Wednesday, June 18, 2014

And after the fire came a gentle whisper!!

I think I'm in a good place to finally write this out now.. I have been in such a place of joy and freedom.. It is really hard to describe, but if any of you have ever had a breakthrough you understand that release..

Tonight I read about this word Ba'al-Perazim.. And after I looked it up, I'm like hahaha.. Wow because this was used in Samuel and Chronicles after David beat Goliath..

Baal-perazim means Lord of breaking through or  Baal-perazim means lord of bursting through..

And throughout my past few months God has been using David, and Elijah to speak to me through.. But tonight I was thinking about the schedule of events that took place, and I think because I was in such a place of broken-ness I had to take God presence day-by-day and soak it in without even putting together how awesome He is and how He makes it all fit together.. 

1. Totally broken down crying out to God 
2. Called me to a 40 day sabbatical
3. God spoke to me through a song and Moses about waiting because He is worth it.. (Moses had to wait 40 long years)
4. Some serious spiritual battling was going on for weeks (Satan-was-on-me-like-white-on-rice)
5. God used that to detach me emotionally from all of it that I was broken about
6. but still very brokenhearted (if that makes sense)
7. Cried out to God (so so so tired)
8. He sent me a dream and set me free (A totally awesomely amazing, never will get over dream)

I was thinking about how God called me on this sabbatical. It was a 40 day journey that ended up being 45, but the way He called me to it, was so sweet and gentle.. He used the scriptures of me being under a broom tree for renewal and refreshing.. and I knew because of the scriptures that at the end God would speak to me and show me something, and I still cant get over the fact that He let me enter the promise land.. I thought seriously I would be stuck there for another 40 years, and never make it like Moses.. and now that I'm here, God once again prepared me for facing giants..

and I have had to face one giant already, that I have conquered so far.. but it is so worth it...My heart is so free, and I just feel His Holy oil coming into me.. God has been telling me over and over again, that the lamp must be full, but I also must be empty for the new oil.. I cant describe how amazing it is to  hear the words of God..

So I was thinking about this passage again..

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 13 When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Wind, earthquake, and fire is what Elijah faced, and through all those things God didn't speak, but it was after that, God gently whispered to Elijah.. and then He said what are you doing here?? 

After the wind, earthquake, and the fire, I finally heard that gentle whisper.. And it was amazing.  and He said, What are you doing here? Get up and Get moving..! That is all anyone needs to hear.. 

And Im so ready!!  

(1Kings19, God spoke to me about a year ago, and told me to store it up for later) ;)

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