Monday, July 21, 2014

Fear and Love!~The true Gospel

Fear and Love....

How can God love you as much as people tell you He does when all you have been taught is fear Him, and fear His wrath, and judgement? Fire and Brimstone.. Or How do you live under this umbrella of grace when some people teach you to live with "super grace"?

I have met people who live under both.. and its sad.. I think its more sad for the people who have been taught to fear God with an unhealthy expectation of how He corrects His children.. Because these people are teaching so much about judgement and hell, that they forget to teach about Gods love, and the way He corrects. He is the perfect judge, with perfect justice, and nothing but a loving, gentle  correction for His children who love Him.. These people never walk in His true freedom and grace because they feel so much condemnation for making the bad choices, and mistakes... They can never reach true freedom with repentance because they are so afraid of His wrath.. They will never reach the full potential of what God has created for their lives because they are so controlled with mans teachings about fearing the Lord.. This sends people to hell because there is no movement in the church except through judgement and judgement doesn't win people to Christ..

 On the other hand people who teach super grace are watering down the gospel and sending people to hell.. They teach this superficial grace of God, that these people walk in their own freedom, not Gods freedom.. They are still living a life of the old.. They are not living in the new creation God has intended for them. They are living on the fence with one foot in and one foot out, and the fence belongs to Satan...

The true Gospel is that ...

God wants you to love Him so much that when you come into these revelations of His amazing love, and grace that you do fear Him because you know His love so well. A true taste of Gods love is something that is like nothing you have ever tasted before. Its true love, unfailing love, full of compassion, mercy and grace. That you are so awe-mazed at His love that you understand how to fear Him correctly..You never want to be out from under this amazing love because you know how mighty, and powerful God is. You know how just He is. You know He is a holy God and you are called to be His Holy people.. You are so consumed with His love, that you desire His love, and you are so passionate for His consuming fire that all you want is to be purified and holy for Him.. You are sold out for Jesus! You take every thought captive and release it back to God to take care of, and move on living with a clear conscious..

When you are so on fire for God, and He purifies you with His fire, that you become the fire.. You want nothing but to be consumed by His fire, that burns the chaff from wheat.. He doesn't just burn the chaff from the wheat inside of your soul through sanctification, He then fills in those places with His holy oil, and living water.. He fills in those gaps with His blood, and the purest gold..

Jesus came to the world and left two commandments..

37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

Do you really love God?? This will solve every problem you ever come into.. This will solve every struggle, trial, and test you are put through.. Do you really love God?  God doesn't just want you to obey Him, He wants you to love Him first! Without you loving Him, you following His rules means nothing and is done through your own strength.. And if you really really truly love Him you will obey Him..You will want nothing more then to be purified for Him.. He gave you His perfect Love through Jesus Christ, and if you really love Him, you will try to give Him your best perfect love back through becoming holy.. Then you will really be able to love people, like how God loves people.. If you want to really know who God is, if you want to really encounter Gods love, if you want to really know how to fear God.. Then pray and read your bible with only the Holy Spirit to guide you and teach you truth..
The true Gospel is not complicated. It is not hard.. Man has created this complicated gospel to follow and its a problem...Its leaving people broken and lost..

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