Saturday, May 9, 2015

Gold Doenst make Ugly Pretty!

Warning (My 3am Preaching Rant but I promise its good)
My 3am old lady wake-up call, led me to lay in bed doing what I do best.. Thinking, pondering, mediating.. and I thought of this weekend.. Mothers day.. and this is how God moves me.. The Spirit prompts me with questions...

When did Jesus compare Himself to a mother?.. and I thought about it, hence this 3am post.. and He showed me when He said "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me..

Wow! If I had a pulpit in my bedroom, oh good gracious! What is the number one thing I feel most of the time? Protectiveness.. I am constantly, subconsciously, consciously protecting my children.. Im always saying dont do this, dont do that, do your best, and Im always trying to protect their heart and build it up, even though I feel as if I suck alot.. and then as always I get hit with the Spirit illuminating another part of myself.. and that brings me back to my lack of where Im not protective.. I say to myself, isn't it the mans job to protect me?, and God showed me about 4 months ago, that Protection is like my number one natural instinct and gift.. I like to think of it as one as a natural gift I was created with.. Sometimes its used for good, sometimes its not.. How many Cheater show's I have watched, and I think at that moment the women is straight up protecting her heart.. most likely by burning her hubbies clothes on fire, or draining his bank account.. Or Someone is about to get cut and die basically!! and then this is where I think what if the protection was happening years before? What if we weren't so dang selfish as married people! ..

What if we as women didn't think it was our husbands jobs to protect ours hearts, but instead it was our jobs to protect theirs.. What if it wasn't just their job to minister to us, but what it we made it our priority to minister to theirs! "A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands." I dont think this verse was just talking about our children!
I might get a little deleted for this but eh, but we live in a place now where we as women are prompted to take over men's roles.. Im sorry But Honestly I really dont want too. Id rather just keep the roles I was created with.. We are always told we are stronger, we are empowered.. But empowered by who and what?

So this is my call to the fellow ladies.. Guess what we are empowered! Empowered by the Holy Spirit.. To do what you say?

To take the strength and gift of protectiveness, and make that your first priority before there is no statistic for marriages in this country and ~Protect your hubby ~ Protect your Children~Build your house up

Then if us women really want to get crazy empowered.... we will protect the authority God placed over you and your family! That means your pastor and leadership.. That's means no more gossiping, or slandering, or drunken wine nights.. God knows that we love to talk especially over a drunken bender!

What if the women in your church stood behind every man that God called to that place.. What if the women in your church built up and encouraged every man in that place.. instead of being the first one to talk about what "they dont like"... Im sorry, but guys just dont talk about that stuff!

Can you imagine that? If we took the empowerment from the Holy Spirit and became the WINGS OF REFUGE!.. Sweet love of Jesus!!
‪#‎BeProverbs31‬ ‪#‎GoldDoesntmakeUglyPretty‬