Thursday, July 30, 2015

Fight in the Spirit

This world has rocked my ship lately! If you wanted to see a seriously mad 7mth prego lately, you could of popped by my house pretty much any day lately, and you could of seen some fire breathing preaching.. But I found myself being reminded of Mercy!! And knowing that God gives me peace.. And when I say what do you want me to do? He answers and He leads me to the path of peace! And He shows me to have a heart like His. ".I tell you, He will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will He find on the earth who have faith?"

And this made me sad.. How many will He find on earth who have faith?.. How many of the sifted wheat's, Faith will not fail. How many will return to the Father? How many will Stand firm to save their life? Or lift their heads as they stand to see their redemption coming on a cloud?

I see this evil army coming against us, and I feel this crazy amount of fear, because I feel like I am standing alone.. Loneliness leads to despair! And God says You're not alone.. And I say, I do not want to be dragged into captivity! I dont want to be there.. I am free.. And that makes me want to fight.. But You cant beat demons by punching their hosts in the face! And I want to scream at the world and say stop feeding the Beast! Stop laying your sacrifices down at his multiple altars.. The anger in me wants to stab the beast in the belly!

But God told me to just Stand.. Don't move.. Just stand there and Worship Me! Fight in the Spirit.. "But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then STAND still and watch the Lord’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you!”“Listen to me, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! Believe in the Lord your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in His prophets, and you will succeed.”
So my dear friends who may or may not think Im crazy right about now! Please Pray for me while I step away for awhile.. And pray with me.. Please Just Stand with me as you march out against him.. Send up to heaven Praise with the beauty of your voice to Worship the Only One who can win this war without leaving a scar or wound on His people.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Hillsong UNITED Empires album Review!

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product.
Hillsong UNITED just released their new album, Empires. It has been anticipated by many fans of this genre of worship music but also by many fans of Hillsong UNITED. Reviewing this album has been a blessing, and I'm sure you will be encouraged by it also.

Hillsong UNITED Empires Track List:

1. Here Now (Madness)
2. Say The Word
3. Heart Like Heaven
4. Touch The Sky
5. Street Called Mercy
6. When I Lost My Heart To You (Hallelujah)
7. Even When It Hurts (Praise Song)
8. Prince Of Peace
9. Empires
10. Rule
11. Captain
12. Closer Than You Know

When listening to the first song, Here Now (Madness), you can hear that the album is going to be distinctly different and new. The entire album is unique in comparison to previous albums that have been created by UNITED and in comparison to other music out there currently. Some may enjoy this newness, but others may prefer the more centered songs of UNITED. The song Here Now (Madness) has a different vibe to it. It also has a different flux of instrumentals throughout the song. This song may be too long for some but for deep worship I think anyone would find this song great. I think for so many of us, this album will reach us in a time of spiritual need. I think this song and the entire album was perfect for helping a believer to focus on God, His perfect Will, and plan for our lives. That He is in control and knows all! This song helped bring peace to the chaos around me. My favorite sentence in the song Here Now (Madness) is "Faith makes a fool of what makes sense, but grace found my heart where logic ends".

As I progressed throughout the album I felt like the songs were chosen to almost fit together, and that the instrumentals had the same flavor. All the songs tempo were similar in play. The songs and melody in this album will definitely change the atmosphere for corporate worship but I think that this album is meant to hit us when we are in personal worship, the type of worship music that you take into your prayer closet. All of the songs bring something sweet to the soul. The focus I believe throughout the whole album was to bring peace to our hearts through focusing on Jesus through personal worship and taking us into the presence of Our Lord when everything in our lives and this world seem to be at a loss. This album brings us into that place of boldness, to conquer the fear that causes chaos in our hearts, soul, and minds. In Say The Word  the chorus speaks "It will remain, And my soul will hang on every word you say, cause I know your word will never fail, and my soul will hang on every word you say".

Overall this album brought me comfort. Through the Spirit, God was speaking to United, in hopes to bring us music that will bring us peace and comfort in a time that we will need it the most. God knows what is coming, and what we will need to help us conquer and take spiritual authority over the enemy. In Prince of Peace, the chorus says "Tearing through the night, riding through the storm, staring down the flight, my eyes found Yours, shining like the sun, striding through my fear, The Prince of Peace met me there, You're always there, You heard my prayer". While listening to this song, it brought me into that intimate place with God. UNITED, Empires is amazing creation, drawling us into the Presence and nearness of God. Empires will be an encouragement to the young, old, healed, and broken.

You can find and preview the track list for Hillsong UNITED Empires, here at Christian Family by visiting this link:

Mean while enter to win a $25 certificate from Family Christian by following the terms and conditions through this great giveaway! You can enter below!
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Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Shift and the Sift

My heart hurts... This past week, I pondered what to think, how to feel, what to do, and I found myself in this place of feeling hurt.. I said God, I just need to listen to you.. And He spoke.. He reminded me of a Word He gave me two years ago.. A word for a man I didn't know, but I gave it to him.. But this word made me cry.. I was scared because it was about the future.. I didn't realize exactly what it meant til this week.. Until God reminded me of it.. God prepares His children for the future. He prepares them for the hurt they will feel.. I said to HIM! You Know.. YOU Knew.. You give me peace at knowing You know all things.. You know the way the world will turn because You know the beginning to the End.. You are the creator of All things..

But I still will cry because we are stepping into the next phase of God's plan.. I do not cry because of the world.. I am an alien in this place. I don't belong here. I never have.. I cry because of  His sovereignty.. Because His reign Is perfect, and so is His judgement. I cry because His plan includes a curse and blessing.. I cry because I love His creation even though I wish I didn't have to witness it..

And on the my 24 hour drive home, I prayed and God reminded me of Mark 10.. The rich man who Jesus genuinely loved.. And I felt that love that Jesus felt for Him.. He loved this rich man unconditionally. And the rich man asked Jesus, how does one inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, and Jesus said you must Obey God, and Give up everything in order to Follow Me.. And the rich man was saddened because even though he obeyed God commands, and "did the right things" he still couldn't give up parts of himself.. So the rich man left, and went back to his old life, still doing "the right things"  but never taking up his cross, giving it all up, and following Jesus to death so that he will have life..

And I thought wow.. Jesus, you are so amazing.. You love unconditionally.. I knew that, but this was just what I needed to have the right mindset.. But I still will cry.. Because I can see the shift and that there will be a sifting in the church.. There will be many "rich men" in our churches who "do the right things, and obey the commands but wont be able to stand because they never gave it all up, and will be sifted out and return home never bearing their cross to death completely so that they will have life..The world has a better grip on these men with what they can see..A seed doesn't become a plant until it dies after being put in the ground..

His Love IS and Will always be unconditional, but salvation is a different story.. I do not believe in the "once saved, always saved method" that men have come up with..

"Dear children, it is very hard to enter the Kingdom of God.  In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” Then Peter began to speak up. “We’ve given up everything to follow you,” he said. 29 “Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, 30 will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. 31 But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.”

Are you ready?  Be prepared because this shift will cause a sift in our churches.. Many will return home, but many will turn to persecution..

You must be ready to bear your cross to death, to bear persecution, to bear the hurt, so that you can ascend just as Jesus did!

 "But the one who endures to the end will be saved"

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Gold Doenst make Ugly Pretty!

Warning (My 3am Preaching Rant but I promise its good)
My 3am old lady wake-up call, led me to lay in bed doing what I do best.. Thinking, pondering, mediating.. and I thought of this weekend.. Mothers day.. and this is how God moves me.. The Spirit prompts me with questions...

When did Jesus compare Himself to a mother?.. and I thought about it, hence this 3am post.. and He showed me when He said "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me..

Wow! If I had a pulpit in my bedroom, oh good gracious! What is the number one thing I feel most of the time? Protectiveness.. I am constantly, subconsciously, consciously protecting my children.. Im always saying dont do this, dont do that, do your best, and Im always trying to protect their heart and build it up, even though I feel as if I suck alot.. and then as always I get hit with the Spirit illuminating another part of myself.. and that brings me back to my lack of where Im not protective.. I say to myself, isn't it the mans job to protect me?, and God showed me about 4 months ago, that Protection is like my number one natural instinct and gift.. I like to think of it as one as a natural gift I was created with.. Sometimes its used for good, sometimes its not.. How many Cheater show's I have watched, and I think at that moment the women is straight up protecting her heart.. most likely by burning her hubbies clothes on fire, or draining his bank account.. Or Someone is about to get cut and die basically!! and then this is where I think what if the protection was happening years before? What if we weren't so dang selfish as married people! ..

What if we as women didn't think it was our husbands jobs to protect ours hearts, but instead it was our jobs to protect theirs.. What if it wasn't just their job to minister to us, but what it we made it our priority to minister to theirs! "A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands." I dont think this verse was just talking about our children!
I might get a little deleted for this but eh, but we live in a place now where we as women are prompted to take over men's roles.. Im sorry But Honestly I really dont want too. Id rather just keep the roles I was created with.. We are always told we are stronger, we are empowered.. But empowered by who and what?

So this is my call to the fellow ladies.. Guess what we are empowered! Empowered by the Holy Spirit.. To do what you say?

To take the strength and gift of protectiveness, and make that your first priority before there is no statistic for marriages in this country and ~Protect your hubby ~ Protect your Children~Build your house up

Then if us women really want to get crazy empowered.... we will protect the authority God placed over you and your family! That means your pastor and leadership.. That's means no more gossiping, or slandering, or drunken wine nights.. God knows that we love to talk especially over a drunken bender!

What if the women in your church stood behind every man that God called to that place.. What if the women in your church built up and encouraged every man in that place.. instead of being the first one to talk about what "they dont like"... Im sorry, but guys just dont talk about that stuff!

Can you imagine that? If we took the empowerment from the Holy Spirit and became the WINGS OF REFUGE!.. Sweet love of Jesus!!
‪#‎BeProverbs31‬ ‪#‎GoldDoesntmakeUglyPretty‬

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A fabulous wardrobe! A godly wardrobe!

Everyday morning as I sit and reflect, I say to God. Im sorry, Im such a wretch.. Some days I choose to clothe myself in my old nature.. This past year God gave me His eyes and showed me myself, my old self.. I thought I was such a good person.. But really the only good in me came from Him.. He saved me from a lot of choices I have made in my life, He is still saving me.....Lately He has been taking the things I don't enjoy and teaching me through them.. He has been showing me who He is.. Who is I AM! 

He is Good. He is the very nature of Good! He is the very nature of who He says I AM. He tells me that it is possible for me to learn and become like I AM.. Its as simple as taking off some old ratty clothes every morning and clothing myself in His glorious attire..We are such a stubborn people.. We like to wear our old clothes because they are comfortable, they fit just right and we have had them forever.. Take a tour of walmart and you will see jammies all around! Its so much easier to stay comfortable, then to clothe ourselves in the nature of God..

I just Thank you God, that when I ask who is I AM.. You show me through your word. You speak to me in those places I dont enjoy.. I thank you for choosing me and loving me, and wanting only the best wardrobe for me..

Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him..Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Return to your First Love!

Jesus is sooo good! He always points to the Father.. Even on the cross, dying He pointed to the Father! He always was glorifying the Father.. I sat in church today thinking of His amazing Love for the Father! Man, I need to get back to that place of just Loving the Father like Jesus does.. The past 1.5 years I have been tired.. So consumed with His fire, and so oppressed by people making the walk harder on His work through me.. I came to this place of freedom, but I wanted to just rest there.. I prayed today that He can help me love Him like I should.. Let me get back that consuming fire for Him.. That passion to see His will be done, no matter what it takes, no matter what or who I have to overcome to get there again... I want you to sit and think about Jesus! And what He did so that He could point you to the Father. So that He could point you to His amazing Love! ‪#‎ReturnToYourFirstLove‬

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God"

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Faith expresses itself in Love

When I am drawn to prayer over my church is something that the Spirit brings me too.. The gift of intercession is sooooo needed in every church.. God knows just what your church needs.. Dont ever stop or hinder prayer from your people..

All my intercessors read Galatians 5 and pray that over your church! All my brothers and sisters pray this over our church!! Freedom purchased by His Love!! Paid for by His death.. Raised In His Resurrection!

That the faith we have expresses itself in love.. That our church is just overflowing with love.. God says that Love never fails.. It is the greatest gift.. It is what shows the world that we belong to God.. It strengthens the church..Its brings freedom. It unites.. It is so important, this is why it is the all the commandments summed up in one, commanded by Jesus! To love each other, and Love God, with everything... With every part of yourself, especially with your faith! It brings freedom to not only the the born again, but the soon-to-be born again.. If only the body of Christ asked for love instead of behavior change from each other, the world would be on fire by now!! ‪#‎SeekTheGiftOfLove‬

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

His Promise of His Presence!

Seems like there is a this magnitude of suffering going on lately. Yesterday when I was reading about the Egyptians Christians who were murdered I just am filled with sadness! Then today I wake up with multitudes of prayer requests sent to my email and I'm am saddened. So much so that I cant help by cry for those who are suffering in the way they are.. I read that one of they Egyptians cried out for Jesus before he was murdered, and the tears just started to flow.. They are so many people crying out for Jesus right now.. I sit here and beg God for His Spirit to manifest in this town! In this world.. I pray to His Spirit to manifest Himself in all of us.. Not for an abundance of gifts, but for His overflowing Presence! His Presence is where you find healing, where you find comfort, where you find joy, where you find gifts, where you encounter His pure and perfect love. Its where you find Him. If we could all just get on the same page regardless of beliefs on His Spirit.. If we could just get on the same page to see His Presence manifest in the places where we live.. If we could, I can already envision my town so full of His healing, so full of His love, so full of His power, so full of His hope!

That is one promise you can count on,, no matter how sick you are, no matter if you are on deaths door, no matter how broken heartened you are,,... His presence is there.. Its in you! Its in us!! We need to cry out for more.. We need to recognize Him more..

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. "

Monday, February 9, 2015

When we turn Gods blessing into a curse!

When we turn Gods blessing into a curse!

Wow.. I have been pondering this word God gave me a week ago.. I was reading how God made the Egyptians look favorably on the Israelites.. He said "But every woman shall ask of her neighbor and the woman who lives in her house, articles of silver and ARTICLES OF GOLD, and clothing; and YOU WILL PUT THEM ON YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS. Thus you will plunder the Egyptians.".

God blessed them! He not only rescued them and delivered them, but sent them off better then they came in... But..

Mose's absent from them was too much for them to handle, Moses was keeping them straight.. But we are just the same! When we don't "see" God working, or "feel" God working in our life, we start to turn away.. We say, Where is this Jesus that is supposed to be saving me..We say where is this God that delivered me supposedly? And then we create a new god. An Idol.. We create an object of freedom or deliverance,and its usually ourselves or someone else.. We say, we freed ourselves!

Then we take the very same blessing God gave us and we turn it into a curse..

"Come, make us a god who will go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him."Aaron said to them, "TEAR OFF THE GOLD RINGS WHICH ARE IN THE EARS OF YOUR WIVES, YOUR SONS, AND YOUR DAUGHTERS and bring them to me." Then all the people tore off the gold rings which were in their ears and brought them to Aaron"..

Not only do we curse ourselves but we put that curse on the people that we want to bless.. The children of the Israelites never got to experience the next blessing, the Promise land! The children who came out of Egypt who's parents put the articles of gold on, who wondered the wilderness were far beyond the age of 20 after 40 years of traveling....

But God is still faithful! Even with our unfaithfulness. He still blesses us.. He still pours our His grace and favor! He still kept His promise of the Promise land.. The children of the cursed would now find blessing..

He blesses the cursed, even when we curse the blessing..


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Holy Spirit

Wow! This is it my friends.. His Spirit is being poured out.. His sons and daughters are walking around with Heaven in them! God created it all and sent prophets to introduce the coming Jesus! Jesus, the savior of the nations.. Jesus came, and introduced the Holy Spirit to us! All three were there in Heaven before the earth was even formed.. They all new this was the plan from the start.. We are in the last days my friends.. This is it.. The Holy Spirit has been introducing us to our real Father, To Jesus, and to our real home! The Holy Spirit has been introducing us to the New Us! The new transformed sanctified, spirit filled us.. There is only one last introduction.. That is Jesus coming with a thunder, and an introduction of a new earth and new heaven! An introduction into eternity! I pray that you know there is no other introduction other than Him.. There is nothing that can save you from your grave other then Him.. 

In the last days,’ God says,
‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your young men will see visions,
and your old men will dream dreams.

These verses are from God Himself.. If you are not in a church full of the Holy Spirit, that both sons and daughters are equal, where you are encountering God during the night and during the day,, you need to find a new church! Jesus left you with the Holy Spirit for a reason..! He is not to be feared, He is to be used.. He left you with power from Heaven! ‪#‎ItsHotInHere‬

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Who am I?

Moses said to God.. Who am I to lead these people? Who am I to appear before pharaoh? God didn't reply to Moses with a description about the characteristics of Moses, nor about who God created Moses to be, nor about why God chose Moses to do this.. But instead God replied with..

"I will be with you"..

Its never about us.. Its always about Him.. It doesn't matter who you are! How educated you are! What kind of speaker you are! It doesn't matter about your past! God can take anyone and turn them into a leader of people because He is with them. God can takes the lowly and exalts them above the rest. That is all it takes for you to go from ordinary to extraordinary. He just needs a yes from you.. He does the rest!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Be Royalty

Do you want to live like a prince or princess, or like someone who is living outside the gates of the kingdom? When you become a child of God. You inherit every heavenly and earthly blessing that the King gives to His Children.. The problem is that we ourselves want a kingdom lifestyle, yet we want to live inside the gates of that kingdom. We think that grass is greener outside those walls. We never surrender it all to God. We think we can "be" it all,, but when you are child of God, the only way for you to live like a prince or princess is to live inside the kingdom, inside those gates.. Where the water is alive, and the bread brings life! The pastures are always green, where we will be more then satisfied. I know that I lived outside those gates most of my life, and I can tell you that the grass isn't greener on the outside.. Its actually dead, and never bears fruit that will fill me up.. It just breeds death and destruction.. God drew me close to those gates with His mercy and grace! It was the day I decided to go through those gates, and never leave is when my life really started. It was when I became alive, and actually felt alive! I eat and drink from a living well that never goes dry, in a land that belongs to the one who created it. I live like a princess because I am a princess. I am a child of The King..